What Sort of Oracle Training Online or Otherwise Do I Need?

What Sort of Oracle Training Online or Otherwise Do I Need?

I‘ve spoken to a lot of organizational leaders over the years and one challenge, probably the most primary challenge, that they have is that they don’t actually know what the organization needs in terms of training. They always tell me that their managers come to them saying that yes we need Oracle training online and that’s pretty much it. They aren’t able to articulate what that more detailed thing is like exactly what sort of Oracle training do you need?

Oracle is a massive, massive platform. Do you need Oracle databases? They sell Oracle servers and hardware. Does your organization run eBusiness Suite or are you on Oracle Cloud or are you on even PeopleSoft? When somebody says Oracle it could mean a lot of things. Training on Oracle isn’t just taking one massive course and then you know all about Oracle.

Who Are We Talking About?

Identifying who your people are is also essential in clarifying that picture of training. The worst thing you can do is pay a bunch of money for some really expensive training, and it turns out it’s irrelevant to your people. But you’ve forked out for the training already, and your problem is still there. Even if you’re looking out for Oracle training online for your own professional development, who do you want to be? Are you a Supply Chain person? Are you an accountant looking to work on someone’s Payables team, or anywhere else in Finance? It makes a difference when figuring out what the best training you or your team needs.

Good News. We Made it Easy for You 

Bearing in this in mind we created a quick discovery guide and template to help you figure out what sort of training you need.  when you’re going through this discovery process, it shouldn’t actually start with the technology. It’s not enough to say that you need Oracle training. We already know that. It’s what you want to accomplish which we need to get to bottom. You’re not training on Oracle for the sake of Oracle. You’re training your staff because there is something that is missing from your business that they aren’t doing or they don’t know how to do. It’s actually the gap that is missing from your business that you want to first of all focus.

Once you uncover what is missing from your business, you might actually even discover that it’s not even about not knowing what to do. It’s actually a gap in your business process that you would need to address. And when there’s a gap in your business process, you guys, there is no amount of training that can help fill this gap without you actually fixing the gap and business process itself.

A Solid Business Process is Not About Just the Happy Path

Okay, let’s talk about business processes for a second. While you actually think that your business process is solid, I’m here to tell you it’s probably not. What we’ve discovered in working with clients over the years, they always tell me that their business process is complete. Hey, it might be at a high level. But when you actually get down to the nitty-gritty, there’s always exceptions to the rule that they never thought about. Sometimes leadership doesn’t even know about. Sometimes, in documenting the business process, it’s the people in the gears who identify the holes in the boat. 

So when I say that you have to have your business process solid, I mean not just a happy path. By happy path, I mean what happens when business activities go through in the best-case scenario. You have to identify  where all the things could go wrong in your business process. These are the exceptions. But they need to also be identified and included in training because you can’t just teach your people that happy path. 

When you teach your people just the happy path, the moment something doesn’t work or that there is an exceptional situation where something doesn’t go as planned they don’t know what to do. They freeze in their tracks. Then they might blame the system saying that the system doesn’t work. When in fact this is a normal course of business. You want your team members to act as leaders and be empowered so that they know how to navigate choppy waters should they need.

The Training Discovery Tool

From our years of guiding organizations through the waters of Oracle training online, we’ve developed a Training Discovery Tool that you can literally distribute to your managers to help them figure out what sort of Oracle training online, or otherwise that they need… and if it’s even a thing that training can solve. 

Once you figure out that it is training that you need, where in the big Oracle landscape do you need this training? We’ve mapped out all of the different financial and HR modules and how they relate to each other in Oracle. You can look at this and figure out what sort of training a person needs when he’s working in this particular area of the organization. For example, what sort of training does a receiver need? What sort of functions do they need to use in Oracle? We have mapped that all out for you at a high-level, in an easy to understand fashion. It’s just enough that you can get a grasp on the direction of training in that you need.

Enter your email below to get this Training Discovery tool absolutely free.

I promise it is going to help you figure what sort of Oracle training online or otherwise you need…  or at least put you solidly in the right direction. Then I invite you to feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or if you need a little bit more detail in figuring out that next step in getting you or your people the right training that they need.